The “Introduction to Industry 4.0” Course


Industry 4.0 is one of the hottest topics in the labor market at the moment. Set as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, it is an ongoing transformation of traditional manufacturing and industrial practices, in combination with the latest technological achievements.

As a result, more and more people are interested in learning about Industry 4.0 and most importantly, educate themselves and enhance skills that will give them a marketable value in the years to come. Digital skills are the most important to train and through the right courses, one can take knowledge to the next level. 

The Course

IED Academy recognized the importance of Industry 4.0 and the catalytic role it will play in the labor market from now on. As a result, we are proud to present to you the course “Introduction to Industry 4.0”.

This training toolbox is addressing all those that want to witness, first-hand, the effect of Industry 4.0 in the labor market. As a participant, you will be introduced to a variety of interesting topics that will provide you with extensive knowledge as well as a holistic approach and a broad range on the subject of Industry 4.0.

The course will provide participants with a small introduction of the three industrial revolutions that preceded, as well as a full understanding of the framework within which these modern technological advancements are taking place.

Moreover, by taking this course you will find yourselves in front of even more interesting topics such as Product Design & Manufacture, Cloud-Based Computing, and Digital Factory.


Industry 4.0 is rapidly becoming the new reality. At the moment, people still have the time and the ability to learn everything there is to know about this new revolution and become important stakeholders in the future.
IED Academy supports actions that promote innovation and the modernization of the labor market. Stay tuned for more of our exciting courses. Our professionally created material will be all you need to excel in every field.