Mastering Project Management with Notion

Welcome to Mastering Project Management with Notion. This course is designed to transform your approach to project management by leveraging the powerful features of Notion. Whether you're new to digital project management tools or seeking to enhance your existing skills, this course will provide you with the knowledge and practical techniques to optimize your project workflows effectively. 

About the Level Up project

The Level Up project is a strategic effort funded by the Digital Europe Programme of the European Union, designed to enhance the digital competencies of the labor force within European SMEs.

This project delivers targeted, short-term, and industry-specific training courses for SMEs and job seekers alike, concentrating on pivotal capacity areas.

This course was produced in the course of the Level Up project, which received funding from the Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL) of the European Union under Grant Agreement no 101100679.

Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HADEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

What's included?

  Navigating the Notion interface

  Creating and customizing workspaces

  Using templates and setting up project pages

  Creating and managing databases

  Optimizing project tracking with views, filters, and sorts

  Sharing pages and managing permissions

  Setting up a tailored project management system

  Customizing databases and views

  Implementing automations and integrations

  Using advanced features like relations, rollups, and formulas

Purpose, Values + Vision

This course is dedicated to empowering individuals with the skills to efficiently manage projects using Notion, fostering collaboration, and enhancing productivity. It provides a comprehensive learning experience that transforms your approach to project management, ensuring efficient and successful project outcomes.

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