Traineeship Program for Professional Farmers in Greece

Good practices to increase milk production at Indian farms.

What's included?

  Theoretical & practice classes

  Good practices

  Common problems in Greece and India and the possible solutions to the similar challenges in milk farms

Purpose, Values + Vision

Milk production on livestock need to consider environment & climate challenges, animal welfare, animal nutrition practices and adequate use of veterinary drugs to promote the production capacity of high genetic value breeds. The Traineeship Program are based in theoretical and practice classes in best Dairy cattle farms in Thessaly and bovine top milk farms during a short period in Greece.

During the Course will be discussed the management practices related to animal’s genetic, mating program, nutrition, manure treatment with agroecologist view and practices to promote animal health. Related to animal health, the course contents will consider the frequent diseases in animals breed in India, related to economic loses in acute and chronic illness.

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